Laser Lipo in Jacksonville

SlimLipo Laser Lipo in Jacksonville by Lewis J. Obi M.D.

Laser Lipo, the fastest way to the New You!

How Laser Liposuction is Less-Invasive, Faster, More Affordable, Requires Little to no Bruising, Tightens Lose Skin and Requires No Downtime!

Laser Lipo Body Sculpting in Jacksonville Florida by Dr. Lewis J. Obi.An amazing new technology that doesn’t suck and tear out fat, instead it melts fat with a specialized laser that also tightens your skin.

As one of the leading liposuction surgeons in Jacksonville, Dr. Lewis Obi has a long history of bringing the latest techniques and technology in plastic and cosmetic surgery to his patients. This is most certainly true with liposuction. Liposuction, also known as body sculpting, and body contouring has for many years remained unchanged. Traditional liposuction is still available at Obi Plastic Surgery for cases where applicable. But today, Dr. Obi’s patients have a wonderful new option; Laser Lipo. This highly advanced laser form of liposuction is called SlimLipo, (Lifesculpt), and it gently melts fat rather than using suction. SlimLipo Laser Lipo (Lifesculpt) allows patients to receive liposuction under local anesthesia, lose pounds of tummy fat, tone hips and thighs, eliminate back fat and muffin tops in a matter of minutes through a small incision. Patients enjoy tighter, smoother skin in the treated areas and return to work the next day with little if any bruising or discomfort. SlimLipo is truly an amazing advancement for patients with problem areas of fat they would like to eliminate without major surgery or weeks of downtime. Best of all, it is much more affordable than traditional liposuction.

See the New You… BEFORE Lipo or SlimLipo (LifeSculpt)!

See your Plastic Surgery Results Before SurgeryOne of the most exciting pieces of equipment for Dr. Obi’s patients is the VECTRA XT 3D Imaging Platform. This amazing system will photograph you from six different angles and create a virtual image of your body. Dr. Obi will then use the software to adjust the virtual you to show you how “You” and “Your Body” will look after lipo. You will have a consult with Dr. Obi and describe your appearance goals giving you the comfort of knowing exactly how you will look after surgery. Best of all, this fantastic peek into your future is included as part of your initial consultation with Dr. Obi!

Let’s Talk About Traditional Liposuction Compared To SlimLipo Laser Lipo

Most people who have investigated liposuction know that it is comprised of a suction wand attached to a surgical vacuum unit. The vacuum wand is inserted through a small incision and vacuums fat from target areas. While this is an effective procedure for removing fat, side effects include considerable bruising, pain and can often requires weeks to full recovery. Supporting garments may be necessary for support during the recovery process. Traditional liposuction is also not suitable for sensitive areas around the chin and neck or knees where a patient might wish to tone and remove small amounts of fat.

Expectations for Traditional Liposuction Surgery

The patients interested in traditional liposuction should first have a realistic expectation about what body sculpting or body contouring can do. They should understand that:

  • Liposuction can enhance your appearance and boost self confidence, but everyone’s body is unique and there are limitations to how much change can be safely performed. Your body might not be able to become your ideal self.
  • You should be aware that liposuction can result in others treating you differently.
  • There may be other, better plastic surgery approaches to achieving your ideal self.
  • Sometimes losing weight will be required to allow for your body to be safely sculpted and contoured.

The ideal candidates for traditional liposuction are normal-weight people with firm, elastic skin who have pockets or areas of excess fat they would like to remove. Moderately overweight patients are also good candidates. All candidates should be physically healthy, psychologically stable and realistic in their expectations. Age is not a major consideration so long as the candidate is physically healthy. However, older patients may have diminished skin elasticity and may not be able to achieve the same results as a younger patient with tighter skin.

Traditional Liposuction carries greater risk for individuals with medical problems such as diabetes, significant heart or lung disease, poor blood circulation, or those who have recently had surgery near the area to be contoured. Be sure you discuss any of these conditions and any others during your initial consultation with Dr. Obi.

Laser Lipo Body Contouring by Lewis J. Obi, M.D. in Jacksonville, Florida at Obi Plastic Surgery Which is right for you?

Traditional Liposuction is appropriate for the stomach, sides, back, under the arms, hips and thighs.

SlimLipo (LifeSculpt), laser lipo is often moreĀ  desirable for the same areas but can also safely slim and tone the neck and chin, contour the breasts and sculpt other sensitive areas.

The Initial Consultation; Planning your SlimLipo Laser Lipo Procedure

In your initial consultation, Dr. Obi will speak with you and evaluate your health, determine where your fat deposits lie and assess the condition of your skin. He will discuss with you and explain the different types of body contouring and based on your body and your goals, recommend the procedure(s) that would most effectively achieve your goals.

Individuals considering liposuction can become a bit overwhelmed by the number of options and techniques being promoted today. If you’ve found yourself pulled between options, Dr. Obi can help in deciding which is the right treatment approach for you.

Dr. Obi will first listen and understand your goals, then consider the effectiveness of the options he can bring to you. Safety, health, cost and appropriateness for your needs, and other key factors will be considered using surgical judgement. Dr. Obi uses surgical judgment to prevent complications, to handle unexpected occurrences during surgery, and to treat complications if they occur.

Take the time to do some background checking. We encourage our patients to verify that their surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). By choosing a plastic surgeon who is certified by the ABPS, you can be assured that the doctor has graduated from an accredited medical school. Plastic Surgeons must also practice surgery for two years and pass comprehensive written and oral exams to be certified by the ABPS.

Preparing for Liposuction Surgery

Dr. Obi will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery during your consultation, including guidelines on eating, drinking alcohol, smoking, and taking or avoiding vitamins, iron tablets and certain medications. If you develop a cold or an infection of any kind, your surgery may have to be postponed to assure you do not experience complications.

Also, while you are making preparations, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure.

Important Facts about our Surgical Center / OR.

Dr. Obi performs all procedures at Obi Plastic Surgery in the Samuel Wells SurgiCenter; the first state licensed Surgical Center for Plastic Surgery in Florida. The Samuel Wells SurgiCenter offers patients all of the safety and equipment required in a hospital operating room. Learn More about the Samuel Wells SurgiCenter. >>


Various types of anesthesia are used for the liposuction and Laser Lipo procedures. Together, you and Dr. Obi will select the type of anesthesia that provides the safest and most effective level of comfort.

In cases where Traditional Liposuction is most appropriate, general anesthesia is usually called for, particularly if a large volume of fat is being removed. If your procedure calls for general anesthesia, a licensed anesthesiologist will be present and will oversee your anesthesia during your procedure.

SlimLipo (LifeSculpt), Laser Lipo often only requires local anesthesia. Especially when only a small amount of fat and a limited number of body sites are involved. If you prefer, local anesthesia can be accompanied by an intravenous sedation to keep you completely relaxed and comfortable during the procedure.

How is SlimLipo Laser Lipo is Different than Traditional Liposuction?

The time required to perform a SlimLipo Laser Lipo procedure varies depending on the size and number of areas to be treated, as well as the amount of fat to be removed. Generally speaking, a small area can be treated in less than one hour. Whereas larger or multiple areas may require two or three hours, depending on the scope of the procedure.

SlimLipo Laser Lipo is performed in three stages. Once the patient is sedated, the first stage involves the infusion of fluid into the areas being treated called the tumescent technique. The fluid is sterile IV fluid containing very small amounts of lidocaine, (a local anesthetic) and epinephrine; a drug that constricts vessels. The tumescent technique facilitates fat removal, reduces blood loss and provides anesthesia during and after surgery. Fluid injection also helps to reduce the amount of bruising after surgery.

The second stage is the use of the SlimLipo laser lipo device which consists of a 1.3 mm wand with the blended 924/975 nm wavelengths. This melts the fat, tightens the skin and shrinks vessels, which results in very minimal bruising, swelling or pain.

The last phase of the procedure is the removal of the liquefied fat with a very small cannula. It is rare to have any permanent scarring or signs of surgery other than the visible loss of fat after SlimLipo Laser Lipo.

After Your Liposuction Procedure

After Traditional Liposuction Surgery, you will likely experience some fluid drainage for one to two days. You will be fitted with an elastic garment to wear for two to four weeks after surgery. This garment will control swelling and help your skin better fit its new contours. Dr. Obi may also prescribe antibiotics and pain medication. Most patients will not require pain medication after one to four days.

After SlimLipo (LifeSculpt) patients often drive themselves home which is a testament to how non-aggressive this advanced treatment really is. Patients report little pain or discomfort and little if any bruising. Patients generally go back to work the next day, but are not to perform any strenuous activities for a week or so.

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