renaissance center

Ambulatory Surgery Center in
Jacksonville, Florida

Thursday May 29th, 2014

The Samuel Wells Surgicenter _ the first fully licensed ambulatory plastic surgery center in the state of FloridaÄ provides world class care. We continue to be in the forefront of plastic and cosmetic surgery with the most advanced lasers, stem cell fat grafting, adult derived stem cells, 3D imaging and in house overnight accommodationsÄ

Full compliance with AHCA licensure, Medicare, OSHA combined with an elite staff of highly qualified professionals has provided safe an effective care for almost three decades. This high standard is reviewed and maintained annually by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). Our staff includes a risk manager, clinic administrator, a team of qualified RN’s, surgical assistants, aestheticians and a large number of administrative staff members. Only board certified Anesthesiologists are entrusted with general anesthesia cases. Conscious sedation and local anesthesia are also offered at our surgery center.

The 12,000 square foot facility is centrally located in the Southside area of Jacksonville adjacent to HCA Columbia’s Memorial Medical Center on University Boulevard South.


Our caring and dedicated plastic surgery staff includes the professionals listed above and all are reviewed and certified on a regular basis. The entire nursing and physician staff are required to maintain active Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification. Surgical scrub techs, medical assistants and administrative personnel are required to actively participate with instructional courses including continuing education programs. Maintaining a high level of proficiency for all of our staff is a top priority. Equally important is that we have a caring, dedicated and loyal staff which translates to a practice of both long term and new patients.

plastic surgery team

With the demise of our economy in 2007, Dr. Lewis Obi was one of the first plastic surgeons in the world to adopt the latest advanced technology including Palomar’s SlimLipo laser platform. He was also awarded the first FDA approved MediKan fat processing unit better known as Lipokit/Adivive. These two technologies led to minimally invasive and lower cost non-surgical procedures allowing patients to return to work in a matter of days. The non-surgical OPERA facelift, scar-less breast lifts, nonsurgical tummy tucks are only a few of Dr. Obi’s innovations. By the summer of 2014, Dr. Lewis Obi had completed almost 1000 SlimLipo and Adivive procedures. Due to the acquisition of Palomar by Cynosure, these two modalities are no longer marketed or manufactured in the U.S. This places Dr. Lewis Obi in a unique position because he will continue to actively utilize these most advance